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Let’s Dive In!
How Far Are You Willing To Go?
Getting Honest With Yourself
How Far are you Willing to Go for what you Seek?
This is Not a Trick Question.
There are Technically No "Right" or "Wrong" Answers.
However, it is a Necessary Question to Ask.
Not Someday.
See, there are many people who "Say" they will Go "Any" Distance.
But is that True?
"ANY" Distance?
Or do you have at least "Some" Boundaries?
Understanding Boundaries
Contrary to Popular Belief, Boundaries provide a Lot of Benefits.
As Humans, living without "Any" Boundaries is Paralyzing.
There is something known as "Analysis Paralysis".
When we have Too Many Options, it Sets Off our Nervous System.
Puts us into Fight-Or-Flight Mode.
Or "Freeze" as that is where "Paralysis" came from.
We really are Not able to Function without "Some" Boundaries.
Plus, it is often Boundaries that make Life more Interesting.
Do you know why I Enjoy Writing So Much?
I put Boundaries Up.
I have a Word Count Minimum.
I have a Time Limit.
I have places where I Will and Will Not Post my Articles.
I have Topics I Will and Will Not Write About.
These are all forms of Boundaries, and they help make the Process Fun and Exciting for Me.
We see the same Phenomenon when we look at Games.
Can you Imagine a Game Without Rules?
No Points?
No Penalties?
No Field?
No Goal?
You Cannot Really Imagine One because Boundaries Define the Game.
We can differentiate Basketball from Lacrosse because they use different Tools and Rules.
These same things occur throughout all of Life.
But here's another Aspect about this.
What Happens Without Boundaries
You Boundaries will Provide both Guidance and Safety Measures.
Think about it like this.
If you are Willing to "Win" at "Any" Cost, you will likely make certain types of choices.
Hurt People.
Steal from People.
Cheat People.
All in the "Name" of Winning.
Except, what tends to happen when you Do these things to others?
They tend to also happen to You.
People will seek to Hurt You.
People will seek to Steal from You.
People will seek to Cheat You.
It quickly becomes a Game of Chicken, where you wait to see How Far you can Go before Others Stab You in the Back.
What is Lost?
True Connections.
All of these are Necessary as Humans.
Our Needs As Humans
There is something in Psychology known as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
These are what Humans Seek Out, built as a Pyramid.
Deep Down, what Humans "Most" Desire is a sense of Self-Actualization.
In Maslow's later work, he termed a Higher Level, known as Self-Trancendence.
Whichever of these you Deem the "Highest" Level of what We Seek as Humans, there's a Problem...
The Lower Levels of Needs.
Below these, you have Esteem Needs.
Then Belonginess and Love.
From here there are Safety Needs.
At the Bottom, the "Most" Basic Need is Physiological Needs.
Now, if you Attempt to Live "Without" Boundaries...
Can you see the Problem?
Having No Boundaries Prevents Our Potential
You're Willing to "Break" others' Physiological and Safety Needs, and they in turn are Willing to "Break" Yours.
The Result?
No one Reaches their Potential which exists in Self-Actualization and Self-Transcendence.
This is Why I often say All Flourishing is Mutual, which I learned from Robin Wall Kimmerer.
For Us to Reach Self-Actualization and Self-Transcendence, we must Work Together.
We cannot attend to All of our Needs by Ourselves.
They Require Others.
Without these, we have Nothing.
So, when I ask you...
Let’s Be Honest With Ourselves
How Far are you Willing to Go for what you Seek?
This is what I'm Looking to Understand.
Do you Understand how Interdependence Works?
We exist as a Part of an Ecosystem.
If we Seek Sageship, we must Understand Our Role within that Ecosystem.
We must Help Cultivate that Ecosystem.
For it is in Understanding these that we Discover the Path to Self-Actualization.
The Path to Flourishing.
The Path to Our Potential.
The Path to Sageship.
Be Honest with Yourself.
How Far are you Willing to Go for what you Seek?
Your Boundaries Will Define Your Path.
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Are You Ready To Get Exponential Results?
Psychophysiological Mastery
For Paid Subscribers
Now, there are different ways to Approach this Concept.
You could say that we can Put Boundaries on the Boundaries.
Create Boxes that are Helpful to Fix Into our Boundaries.
This becomes Useful because “Knowing” this Aids Us.
If we Know our Boundaries “Before” we get into Situations, we Know How We Will Act.
It tells us when we Need to Turn Around or Find a Different Route.
So, what are Some of these Boxes?
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