The Fastest Way To Be Heard In Your Work
Why The Best Are Frequently Ignored While Others Gain Undue Success
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The Fastest Way To Be Heard In Your Work
Why The Best Are Frequently Ignored While Others Gain Undue Success
When I speak with people, one of the things they often look for is a Solution to How to Get Heard.
Whether it is to be Heard by Potential Clients.
Perhaps by their Teams.
Or how to Break Through Online.
Visibility and being Heard is what they are Seeking.
What It Takes To Be Heard
I was also reading an article that touched on this Idea.
They said something like this...
People Do Not Care What You Say...
They See Your Successes.
They See that You Walk the Walk.
They Do Not Care About the Talk.
The Crazy Thing is that When You "Do" Walk the Walk...
People Will Believe Nearly "Anything" You Say.
Regardless of How Ridiculous it may sound.
How Far People Are Willing To Listen To Those Who Walk The Walk
Anne Hathaway Demonstrated this Beautifully with a Live Audience.
She gave everyone a Clementine to Demonstrate a Breathing Technique.
She had them peel the Clementines.
Breathe through the Tiny Hole in the Clementine.
Had them make Goofy Sounds.
Then asked if they all Felt Better.
They said yes, which she replied...
That it was Impossible because she made the entire thing up.
The Lesson being...
Do Not Put Something In Your Mouth Because Someone Famous Told You To Do It.
It's really funny and you can look up the "Clementine Prank" online.
But what it Demonstrated is How Diligently People Will "Listen" when someone has Shown their Successes.
Why did people Listen to Anne Hathaway?
She has a Very Successful Career as an Actress.
She has Walked the Walk.
Now, there of course is the Lesson of Being Wary of where you get Advice from, but that is a Story for a Different Time.
For Now, let's Dial In on Getting Heard Yourself.
The Problem With Talking
You may be the Incredible at what you do.
You may be the Best at what you do.
I've certainly worked with people who are the Some of the Best, if Not the "Absolute" Best at what they Do.
But the Largest Problem frequently faced?
No One "Knows" It.
No One "Sees" It.
Even when You can Clearly Talk the Talk...
People have lost Faith in Talking.
It is Not Your Fault.
The Problem is that we are in a Society where there is So Much Talk that No One Knows "Who" to Trust.
Amongst the People who are "Generally" Considered "Experts" there is so much Opposition, some preaching seemingly completely different things, that people are Unsure who is Right or "More" Correct.
Then, there are all the Wolves in Sheep's Clothing looking to Prey on the Unaware.
Do Not Forget the people who become so Desperate that they Let Go and Sell their Morals to Keep Grasp of Something they Believe they are Losing.
There is little Faith left in the Good in People.
So, People Grasp onto the One Thing with Substance.
What they can See.
What You can Demonstrate.
If you can Show even a "Hint" of Your Successes...
Even "Minor" Successes...
They are More Likely to Listen.
The More Successes You Can Demonstrate?
The Larger Your Voice Becomes.
My Case Study - How Far Walking The Walk Has Taken Me
Why do people listen to me?
I Put Everything Out Into the World.
The Challenges I'm Facing.
The Struggles I Have.
The Doubts Going Through Me.
People See I'm a Human they can Relate To, who is Overcoming the Same Challenges they are Facing.
Why do people Trust my Knowledge about Health and Wellness?
I Demonstrate It.
My VO2 Max is Currently 61, which makes my Fitness Age a Decade Younger than I am.
I can Run a Sub 6:30-Minute Mile, Barefoot (Yesterday was my fastest yet at 6:15).
I Run a Mile, Minimum, Daily (Lately it's been 2 Miles most days).
My HRV Averages between 54 and 59 (Depending on the Device Tracking).
My RHR Averages between 49 and 54 (Depending on the Device Tracking).
I've Completed Multiple Spartan Ultra Races (50k./31 Mi. with 60+ Obstacles).
I am Certified with a Gratuitous Number of Organizations on Different Psychophysiological Topics.
Flow, Human Behavior, Neurocardiology, Nutrition, Sleep, Stress Management, Recovery, Change Psychology, Micronutrition, Respiration, Physiology, and the Nervous System.
I continue to Learn More as Well.
Many of these Certifications were Months Long with Difficult Testing Requirements, Graded Written Work by PhD Experts, and Demonstrations of Techniques (Myself and/or with Clients).
I'm a Semi-Professional Athlete.
I have a Great Relationship with my Spouse.
I have a Deep and Stable Religious Faith.
These show my Dedication to My Own Wellness and Wellbeing, and it gets Passed to My Clients who Greatly Benefit from this Dedication.
Why do people Trust my Leadership Knowledge and my Connections between Leadership and Psychophysiology?
Because I've Done the Work with Myself and Clients.
I went from have a Speech Impediment to being a TV Show Host, Podcaster, and Speaker.
I went from being a Kid with Learning Challenges to becoming a Member of Mensa (Top 2% of IQ in the World).
I've Grown Myself to be in the Top 1% of EQ (MEIQ - R9 Test).
I have Discussed and Written over 750 Free Articles about these Connections, and Now 60 Paid Newsletters Diving Significantly More Deeply into these Connections.
I've worked with Teams, in completely Unideal Circumstances, and "Still" Obtained an 80% Success Rate in Cultivating Leaders within Organizations (Compared to the Leadership Development's 80% Failure Rate).
People Trust because People "See" This.
Why I’m Not Special
However, the Only thing that Separates Me from Others is I've Done the Work.
Nothing I've Done is Unattainable.
I am a person of Few Real Talents, and Most of what I've Accomplished has been Due to Hard, Consistent Work.
Things Anyone Could Do if they Set their Minds to It.
There are Many People More Intelligent than Me.
Many People Faster and Stronger than Me.
Many People More Talented than Me.
There are People who "Should" Have More Success than Me.
This is Not me putting myself down.
I have Tremendous Self-Worth, do not get it twisted.
This is a Testament to How Much Potential "So Many" are Missing in Themselves.
Unleashing Your Potential To Be Heard
One of the "Very Few" Talents I have is "Seeing" that Potential in People.
I "Wish" More People could See Themselves the Way I See Them.
One of the Reasons "Why" People Do Not Get "Seen" that I have Seen So Often is because They Do Not Put It Out into the World.
They "Could" be The Best in the World.
But they Keep it to Themselves.
They "Expect" Others to Just "See" It.
The Reality is that "Few" People can "See" the Potential in Others, and Fewer People are "Willing" to Trust Potential Alone.
Rightfully So, because sadly, so few Live Up to their Potential.
But Only because they Do Not "Show" that Potential.
But if you Take the Steps?
If you Put it Into the World?
Only "Then" Do People Listen and Hear that Potential.
The "More" You Demonstrate?
The "More" You Show?
The "More" You Will Be Heard.
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Are You Ready To Get Exponential Results?
Psychophysiological Mastery
For Paid Subscribers
Now, it is easy to “Say” to Just Show It…
But there is another Reality to This.
Many People Put a “Lot” Out Into the World.
Then, Still Feel They are Not Heard.
It can be Frustrating.
Especially when you see others Gain Undue Success.
So, we can actually take this “Further” by using Psychophysiology to Our Advantage.
Make Our Voices “Louder” without Killing Ourselves in the Process.
Let’s Dive In…
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