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The Lessons Of World War III And How They Created Peace
An Imagined History For The Year 2050
I had just begun to learn about World War III (WWIII).
It ended when I was a child.
Too young to remember what life was like at that time.
But from what my Teachers said...
It seemed Unbelievable.
Especially when compared to the Peace we have today.
How could a War that "Ravaged" the Entire World...
Not to mention, here, in the United States that had been a Central Part of the War...
Lead to Such Peace by the year 2050?
I didn't know...
The Parents
But I knew that my parents were Instrumental during that time...
At least, that is what people told me.
My parents are...
Well, I don't really Understand what they do.
People called them...
I think the word is...
I really do not get it.
How do you make a living just by being good at a lot of different things?
All I know is they do some important work.
The Question
So when I got home, I asked them.
"Mom, Dad... Can you tell me about what happened in WWIII? I mean... the Teachers are doing a good job... But I know you both were a part of what led to Peace... Right?"
My Mom looked at my Dad with a look of Apprehension and Fear in her Eyes.
"He's not ready yet."
My Dad instead looked me Straight in the Eyes...
My Dad loves me Deeply... but in that Moment...
There was a Darkness and Coldness that I've Never Seen...
He wasn't looking "At" Me...
He was looking "Into" My Soul...
Analyzing in a way I couldn't Comprehend.
He looked at my Mother.
"Honey, if we do not tell him now, he will go looking on his own. No one is ever ready for the Darkness in the World... but we must Face it Eventually."
A look of Resignation came over my Mother's Face.
My Dad was Right.
If they didn't tell me, I was going to find the answers on my own anyway.
This is what they told me...
It Began In 2020…
The world began to Change in 2020.
There was a Worldwide Pandemic, but it wasn't the Virus Itself that was the Problem.
Trust was the Problem.
How Leaders "Responded" to the Pandemic and the Decisions they made "After" the Pandemic led to people losing Trust in all forms of Leadership.
My parents called this the "Escalation Point", where Problems began to Really Grow.
It started in the Business World.
There was a Growing Gap between the Rich and the Poor.
People had been warning about a "Breaking Point", but the Rich Business Leaders Didn't Listen.
Quickly, the Homelessness Rate grew from 0.2% to 5% of the Population.
Not Including a Significantly Larger Portion of the Population who had Dropped below the "Poverty Line".
My parents say it grew to over 50% in only a couple of years.
Eventually, this led to the Second American Revolution.
The Second American Revolution
My parents told me that it made the French Revolution look like Child's Play...
But I do not know much about the French Revolution to Understand what that means.
The Poor Rose Up against the Rich, and most of the Rich were Killed.
A few of the Rich Escaped to other Countries and Attempted to take their Hoards of Money to with them.
But a few things happened...
My parents say that the Stock Markets Crashed due to the Number of Rich who we Leaders of Companies.
I really do not understand what the Stock Markets are though.
This led to the Economy Collapsing... which is also something I don't understand.
When the US Government saw that the Fleeing Rich were attempting to Pull their Money "Out" of the US, they called a State of Emergency.
They Forced the Banks to Keep the Money of the Rich.
If the Rich Did Not Return to the US, they would be Unable to Get Their Money.
If the Rich Came Back to the US, they would be at Risk of Being Killed.
Many of the Rich who Fled ended up Homeless themselves as they were not able to get access to their Money.
During this time a Second Major Problem Grew.
The Collapse Of Health
As the Poor became Poorer, Health began to become Worse.
For Everyone.
Across the Planet.
Even those who lived in "Healthy" Conditions had a Terrible Increases in Sicknesses.
My parents said Horrible Things began to happen.
Diabetes Grew to 50% of the Population.
Cancer Grew to 25% of the Population.
Autism Grew to 10% of the Population.
Alzheimer's Began Impacting People in their 20's.
I really do not understand what these diseases are.
My parents say they Never Happen Today, but they also made it seem like these were Frightful Sicknesses and Diseases.
Up until this point, many people believed that these types of Sicknesses were caused by "DNA".
But given the Fast Increases, my parents said that Theory made No Sense.
If DNA stayed the Same thoughout our Life, as had been believed before, these Dramatic Changes would have been Impossible.
My parents say that this was when Western Doctors began to Deeply Question the Healthcare System that they were Trained In.
But not before the Largest Event would Occur...
The War Begins
The Enemies of the US saw the Chaos that the Country was in.
They believed that the US had been the World's Powerhouse for Too Long.
This was the Time to Strike.
To Establish a New World Order.
Political Countries and Religious Terror Organizations combined Forces to Attack the US.
However, my Parents said that these Organizations made Two Major Miscalculations.
The Miscalculations
The First was that they believed the Weakened Economy would make the US Powerless to Fight Back.
However, the US seems to Grow During Wars.
My parents say that there is something in the "Culture" of the US.
The Fastest Way to Unite Americans is to Convince Them that Someone else wants to take away their Freedom.
When people "Want" to Fight, they can become Truly Terrifying.
My parents also told me something about some old saying... that in the US, behind every blade of grass is a Gun.
My parents said that it was more True than people realized...
But I've Never Met Anyone who carries a Gun, so maybe things have Changed?
Anyhow, there was a Second Thing that was Miscalculated.
The Number of other Countries and Organizations who would Side with the US.
My Parents said that the US was not "Loved" at the Time, often not even by its Citizens.
The US's Enemies believed other countries would simply "Allow" the US to Fall, since they very clearly did not Love the US.
But this is what other Countries and Organizations Saw...
The Specific "World Order" that the US's Enemies wanted to Create?
Meant that "They" Would be Next to be Destroyed by that World Order.
These Countries and Organizations did not have "Love" for the US...
But they Hated the Idea of Being Demolished Themselves in the Future by the US's Enemies.
As people say, the "Alternative" was Worse.
WWIII was Not Short Though.
It was Ugly and Brutal.
The First War that led to Billions of Deaths Worldwide.
But some Good Things happened.
The Hope
My Parents say that, sometimes, when things are at their Worst, Humans Unlock their Best.
This is when Science had its Greatest Successes.
My parents say that Most Doctors are Good People.
They "Want" to Help People.
It was just that, Until this point, they had been in a System that did Not "Allow" them to Help People.
The Doctors Understood that a Sick Military would Struggle to Win.
The Sick Workforces from before the War... something my parents said was caused by "Burnout" and was a Major Factor in the Second American Revolution...
Also showed that a Sick Population could not Produce Enough to Support a Strong Military.
What Doctors Realized is that as Long as People were Horribly Sick, there was Little Hope for Success.
Luckily, the US was not the "Only" Country Impacted by Horrible Sickness.
It Impacted Every Major Country in WWIII.
This meant that, the First Country to Cure the Growing Number of Diseases and Sicknesses would likely be the Country that Won the War.
This pushed the Doctors to Revaluate the Entire Western Healthcare Industry.
As this happened, others who had mostly been Silenced by the Western Medical System, began to help Doctors Piece Together Different Research.
My parents were a part of these Efforts.
Not Doctors, but "Seekers" of Truth.
These Efforts Accomplished Two Things.
The Discoveries
It first Revealed a Thread of Corruption that tied together Many Politicians with the Broken Western Healthcare System.
This led to both the "Republicans" and "Democrats" losing most of their Political Power, and allowed Multiple New Parties to Rise Up.
I do not really get what these Politicians actually "Do", but my Parents believe this was a Great Thing.
The "End of the Two-Party System" as they put it, and the Rebirth of a True Constitutional Federal Democratic Republic.
I still do not understand what that means though.
My parents tell me I'll learn more about it in the Future.
The Second thing that the Doctors Accomplished was actually Finding and Piecing together Research that had "Existed" but had been "Hidden" for a long time.
This led to Unheard of Breakthroughs in Health.
Diseases and Sicknesses were being Eliminated Left and Right.
Even some that had been Believed to be "Incurable".
For the First Time in Decades, people were becoing Truly Healthy.
The Turning Point
This became a Huge Help to the US Military and Economy.
The US was the First Country to, basically, Eliminate Disease.
The Doctors shared their Resources with their Allies.
It became the Turning Point of WWIII.
As Countries became Healthier, their Military Efforts became More Successful.
The Soldiers of the Enemies of the US "Saw" the Increasing Health around the World that "They" were Not Receiving.
This Caused them to Lose Belief in their own Governments and Leaders, and many Soldiers became Turncoats for the Opportunity to have True Health for themselves and their Families.
Eventually, WWIII was Over.
Health was the Deciding Factor.
However, in the Aftermath of the War was Destruction.
Lesson In The Aftermath
The Lesson that was Learned between WWI and WWII, my parents say, is that Punishing Your Enemies makes your Enemies More Dangerous over Time.
The Lesson that was Learned between WWII and WWIII was that Turning Away from the Problems of Your Enemies is a Mistake.
Resentment between Enemies Grows for Not Providing Aid during the Problems they Experience, and then they "Wait" for an Opportunity to Strike.
Until it Explodes.
My parents say that this Lesson lead to the Growth of a New Saying...
All Flourishing Is Mutual.
They say it Works in All Parts of Life.
If Employees are Not Flourishing, a Business is Not Flourishing.
That led to the Second American Revolution.
If People are Consantly Sick, the Healthcare Profession is Not Flourishing.
That led to the Western Healthcare Reform.
If a Population is Not Flourishing, a Country is Not Flourishing.
This is what Led to the Resentment between Countries that Caused WWIII.
If Countries are Not Flourishing, then the World is at Risk.
This made the Solution Simple.
Help Countries Flourish.
When Countries are Truly Flourishing, there is No Need for War.
When Businesses and Health are Flourishing, Countries are Flourishing.
It was this Belief that has Brought Peace to our World today in 2050.
A Father’s Final Lesson
"Do you understand what I'm telling you, son?"
"I think so Dad... but I have a Question."
"What is it?"
"Why didn't people just start at Peace and being Helpful? Why didn't they try Flourishing before it turned into a War?"
"That is a Great Question... It is hard to say everything... but I think we can use One Word to help us Understand..."
"What word is that, Dad?"
"What do you Mean?"
"Well, Son, when you look at the Similarities between everything that happened, it can all be Understood by Fear."
"I don't Understand."
"Why did the Second American Revolutions Happen?"
"Um... because of the Gap between the Rich and Poor?"
"Yes, but Why did that Gap Exist, and what Caused it to Grow?"
"I don't know..."
"The Rich were Afraid of Becoming Poor - Fear caused them to Hoard and Ignore the Pleas of Others."
"Then, It was Fear for their Lives that led to the Poor Killing the Rich."
"Ok... I think I understand that... but what about the Healthcare System?"
"Well, the Western Healthcare System was originally Built on the Idea that if People become Sick, they go to the Doctor and Paid to get Healed..."
"But that has nothing to do with Fear!"
"Hold on, hold on, I'm getting there..." my Dad chuckled.
"If the Healthcare System is Paid when People get Sick, but Sickness No Longer Exists, what happens?"
"Um... then... the Healthcare System makes No Money!"
"Exactly! They Feared what would happen to their Livelihoods if they No Longer Made Money because No One was Sick."
"Oh, ok! I get that!"
"Then we can look at War."
"Ok, Dad..."
"Why does a War Start?"
"Well, you said WWIII Started when the US Appeared Weak Enough to Attack."
"That is when the Official Start of WWIII happened, but son, a War begins Long Before the First Battle."
"What do you mean?"
"Why were the Countries Not Helping Each Other?"
"Um... they... Feared... something?"
"Yes, they Feared that Another Country's Success would be Their Downfall."
"How so, Dad?"
"Well, it can be broken down to a Fear of Lacking Resources. If Your Country doesn't have Enough Resources, then You Will Struggle, and may be at Risk of being Attacked."
"So... it is Different Types of Fear... all at the same Time?"
"Exactly. As More Fears Grow, Tensions Grow, Until Someone Breaks."
"So... it is all about Fear."
"Yes, son, and it is by Overcoming Fears that Peace can be Created."
"So... does that mean we should be Fearless Dad?"
"That is a Perfect Question!"
"No, being Fearless is Not the Answer".
"But Dad! You just said that Fear causes all of these Problems, and if we had No Fear..."
"Then we would Do Incredibly Stupid Things, Son. 'Fear' is Unavoidable, it is a part of Being Human."
"So... what do we Do?"
"We must Learn that Fear Only has Power if we Believe It and Give It Power."
"Um... What?"
"Fear is a Lie, based only on Half-Truths. But if you Do Not Allow Yourself to be Controlled by Fear, and you Find the Whole Truth..."
"Then... Fear... has No Power?"
"Exactly Son. That has been our Mission since the end of the War. Showing People that Fear has No Power, and that Together, we can All Flourish."
"That is how we Find Peace..."
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Psychophysiological Mastery
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I wrote this article for a Competition on another Platform I Publish to.
The Prompt was about what the World could look like in 2050.
Is this a Work of Fiction?
Do I believe this is exactly what will happen by 2050?
I’m a Certified Behavioral Analysis Consultant.
I pay attention to what is Happening.
I have Learned a “Lot” about Psychophysiology in my Research.
Everything I’ve Written, I Believe is Possible.
Based on how We Function as Humans.
Let’s Look More Closely to See the Truth within the Fiction…
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