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Let’s Dive In!
The Problem With Scientific Averages
The Difficulty In Understanding Human Potential
One of the Goals of Sageship is to Unlock Our Human Potential.
One part of helping us accomplish this is to Utilize Science.
I'm a Huge Fan of Looking at Science.
For me, it is Not Enough to Read a Book about the Science Though or Listen to an Expert Discuss their Findings.
I have to Read the Research Papers themselves.
The Problems With Scientific Research
Now, admittedly, a part of the "Reason" I have to Read the Research Papers is because of the Corruption that Exists within the Research Industry.
It is interesting because I recently heard it like this...
The Process of Science is the Best Process We Have...
But the Industry of Scientific Research is Broken.
Basically, the point being made was that if you Do Scientific Research as it was "Intended", it is Incredible at helping to Reveal the Truth.
The Issue of the Scientific Research Industry is that they frequently Bend Processes to get certain types of Results.
Purposefully Framing Research to Get Specific Results.
Research Designed as Marketing Ploys.
Huge Funding is given to Oversaturate a Topic with a "Specific" Solution in an Effort to "Hide" Other, Often Better, Research and Solutions.
Dramatizing the Wording of Results to Sound Better to get Published, also known as the Publish or Die Disease.
Not to mention the AI Written Research, both Honest and Completely Fake.
But there is another problem that we face when we begin to Look at Human Potential...
The Problem Of Scientific Averages
Scientific Averages.
Now, "Why" is this a Problem?
Aren't Averages a Good Way to Look at a Spread of Information?
Well, "Technically" Yes...
At Least...
In Theory.
Theory, however, can be one of the Greatest Complications to Understanding Reality if we are Not Careful.
Now, in a Theoretical World, if you take a Number of Healthy Individuals and get the Average of Data among those Individuals...
You "Would" get an Average Spread of Data that is Useful.
However, this is "Also" the Problem...
The More I Look Into Science, the More I Have a Realization about the Problem of the Average Data...
The "Average" Person in Today's World?
They are Horribly Unhealthy.
Today’s Misleading Average
Even among the already Skewed Data Sets coming from Male College Kids.
If you didn't Know, the "Vast" Majority of Research is Done on Male College Kids, which means that the Data "May" Not Represent Most People.
But, further than this, even among those College Kids, People have been getting Sicker and Sicker in today's World.
This becomes a Problem for the Averages.
The Truth is that for "Most" Averages, we only have an Average for Individuals who are Already Sick.
What This Means Today’s Research Truly Reveals
This then becomes the "Baseline" that Most Research Bases Itself Off Of.
Instead of the Research Asking if "X" helps Create a Healthy Individual...
What the Research Shows is if "X" helps Create a "Less Sick" Individual, who will "Still" Be Sick at the End of the Day.
This is actually a part of "Why" the Positive Psychology Movement was Started.
However, that Movement mostly only Exists in Psychology.
In other areas of Research, this Idea has not fully Caught On.
We look at "Averages" that Do Not Represent Truly Healthy Individuals.
Where This Problem Makes Human Potential Interesting
But what Interests me even further is this...
Even Among those we Consider "Top of the Game", I still see Extreme Levels of Unhealthiness.
In Professional Sports where keeping a Player Healthy is of Top Priority...
I frequently still see Horribly Unhealthy Humans.
Which makes me Wonder...
Are we "Anywhere" Close to Our Potential?
Sure, based on the Averages of Sick People, we may appear "Better"...
But is "Better" even "Close" to what the "Average" of a Truly Healthy Person "Should" Be?
What does "Above Average" look like when Humans are Truly Healthy?
Looking Into The Future
I Believe that in today's world, we are looking at a Delusion of what Health is Supposed to Be.
It makes me Wonder How Far we can Truly Go as Humans.
Even if we Believe we are at our Potential...
Are We "Truly" at the Edges of Our Potential...
Or are we Subconsciously Holding Ourselves Back because we are "So Far" Ahead of an Incredibly Sick Average?
I Do Not have an Answer to this Question, but it does Frequently Appear in my Thoughts.
What should "Average" Truly Look like?
How Much Further is Possible?
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Psychophysiological Mastery
For Paid Subscribers
Now, this creates a Fascinating Challenge for us when we Seek Psychophysiological Mastery.
What does “Mastery” Look Like?
Well, there’s Good News and Bad News.
The Good News is that Science Works.
As long as we are Not purposefully Skewing Data, it is an Amazing Model.
The Bad News?
We’re Moving into Uncharted Waters.
Now, let me be “Very” Clear.
There is a Difference between Mapping Uncharted Waters and becoming a Mad Scientist.
There is a Difference between Trying to Swim between Continents in the Ocean and learning how to Maneuver a Boat through the Ocean.
Mad Scientists are Dangerous.
Swimming in the Ocean Unprepared is Dangerous.
There is a Right Way and Wrong Way to go about this Process.
If you’re going to do this, then make sure you do it Right.
Let’s Dive In…
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