We all have Struggled with It.
Getting Stopped.
We are Moving Forward.
Then Boom!
Complete Stop.
It Feels Absolutely Horrible when it Hits Us.
Especially when it feels like we've been moving at 100 Miles Per Hour and then Came to a Harsh Stop, Face to Pavement.
The Struggle begins to Feel Excruciating.
I know because it happens to me.
However, some people seem to Stop Forever.
Once they Lose Momentum, they Never Get it Back.
Once Progress has Ended, No New Progress is Made.
We Do Not Want That.
But to Figure Out How to Keep Progress and Momentum Going, we must First Determine "What" is Stopping Us?
Let's look at the Likely Culprits.
First, we have Knowledge.
Sometimes it is a Lack of Knowledge of Something that is Preventing Us From Moving Forward.
If this is the Challenge, it is Simple.
Get the Knowledge.
Most Information can be Found on the Internet for Free today.
Sometimes, that is Not Enough though.
You Might Need to Buy a...
Ongoing Coaching...
All of these are Simple Enough to Find and Gain Access to Quickly.
But there is One Thing to Keep in Mind...
"If" this is the Problem, it should be a Short-Lived Problem.
Most Knowledge Problems can be Solved in a Day.
The Vast Majority Should Never Take a Week, even without Full Dedication.
Unless you are working on something that has Never Been Done, Requires Intense Research (Such as Reading through Scientific Research Papers), or you're working on a Certification...
You should be able to Overcome this Quickly.
If you have been Looking to Obtain your Knowledge, but haven't gotten through it Quickly, then this "Likely" is Not Your Real Problem.
So what else could it be?
You may be looking at a Strengths Versus Weakness Problem that is Stopping You.
What is this?
It has to do with Positive Psychology.
We like to Do things We are Great at.
We Hate Doing things We are Terrible at.
It's how Our Psychophysiology Works.
If we are Diving Into Something that Requires us to use a Weakness, we will Probably Stop Doing It.
Usually Subconsciously.
Our Brains will Purposefully Divert our Attention "Away" from using our Weaknesses.
So there are a couple of Possibilities to do here.
You could "Switch" to Figure Out how to use a Strength Instead of a Weakness.
This is Why I "Switched" to Writing as the Main Platform for my Business.
I used to do Podcasting while Leveraging Multiple Types of Social Media.
The Act of Hosting a Podcast was Amazing for Me.
The "Technical" Aspects in the Background?
That was where I was Weak.
Mixed with the Tech to Make "Good" Social Media Posts.
Could I do it?
But it was Extremely Difficult to Do Well and Consistently because I Constantly had to Battle My Brain over the Use of My Weaknesses.
But Digital Writing?
For Me, it was "Much" Simpler.
It played Perfectly into My Strengths.
I've Written Daily Articles for over 700 Days Straight Now.
It played into My Strengths.
I Know that this is not "Everyone's" Story, though.
Some people "Are" Playing in their Strengths, but Still get Stopped.
What else could be a Factor?
To have Fear is to Be Human.
You can Never Escape Fear.
If you "Were" to Truly Have No Fear, You'd make Idiotic Decisions Frequently that would get you Killed.
The thing about moving past Fear is we have to Discover "Why" the Fear Exists.
All Fear has a Logical Base Reason to Exist...
Even if the Placement of that Fear seems "Illogical".
For Instance, Spiders...
Why are People afraid of Spiders?
Some Spiders are Poisonous.
Spiders are Bugs, which can mean Dangerous things like Unclean Environments.
Perhaps you had an Experience where a Spider Dropped on you and Startled You.
These are all "Logical" Bases of Fear.
But that also doesn't mean that "This" Spider is a Problem.
This is How All Fear Works.
Fear is a Signal that is Trying to Inform Us of "Something".
If you Determine that "Something", You Will Find the Answer to the Problem.
For the Majority of People, these are the Challenges Stopping Them.
If you have the Knowledge...
If you Play Into Your Strengths...
If you Understand Your Fears...
Few things can Stop You in Life.
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Now you understand what Stands in the Way of Progress and Momentum for Most People.
But we can Dig Deeper into “How” these Impact Us.
When we…
Experience a Lack of Knowledge…
Play in our Weaknesses…
Feel Fear…
Do you Know what is Happening inside Your Body?
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